Does Finding the Right Person to Love Sometimes Seem Hopeless?

Have You Been Left Wondering How a Relationship That Started Out So Great Came to an End?

How Can You Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dating and Finally Find Real Love?

Dating and Broken Relationship Patterns Can Leave You
Feeling Lonely, Drained, and Stuck in a Depressing Cycle
That Seems to Repeat In Every Relationship

I know these feelings only too well. I’ve been there.

The good news is there are ways you can prepare for and attract the right partner for you and be ready for experiencing this level of love.

Dating and Broken Relationship Patterns Can Leave You Feeling Lonely, Drained, and Stuck in a Depressing Cycle That Seems to Repeat In Every Relationship

I know these feelings only too well. I’ve been there.

The good news is there are ways you can prepare for and attract the right partner for you and be ready for experiencing this level of love.

Hello, I am Eri Kardos and happy to meet you.

A few years ago, I did not feel the ‘true me’ deserved love. I was struggling every day trying to present a version of me that I thought would be deserving of love. Because people were loving my facade, I felt the love I did receive was not genuine. This was exhausting and led to internal conflict.

Have you ever had these torturous thoughts?

• Am I too needy?
• Too jealous? Too insecure?
• Why don’t I ever feel good enough or accepted?
• If I make strong boundaries, will I just be abandoned?
• Am I just choosing the wrong people again and again?

Dating and Meet Up apps have boomed in recent years. Yet online dating is resulting in less long-term relationships.

All This is Not Your Fault!

Out of everything in our lives, love is important to every single one of us. Yet out of all we do throughout life, love is often where we are the least educated and the most confused.

Love is so tied to the emotional side. You expect to just feel your way to a life of love. After all you are “supposed” to be naturally good at love because the movies makes love look so easy, right?

Where did you learn love?

For the vast majority, love was modeled by our parents, who had watched their parents and so on. You might also have learned a few things about love from your religious community. And like most everyone, you were probably unconsciously strongly influenced by pop-culture and fairy tales.

Most people just try to ‘figure out love on the fly.’ We just follow along when this powerful emotion strikes. We often never realize the consequences of not knowing how to love until relationships have ended.

My heart breaks to see wonderful people end up alone because they are afraid that ‘love will hurt them again’.

I knew there had to be a way to escape this frustrating and sometimes even destructive cycle.

For several years I worked passionately and diligently studying love and relationships. When I went to the root of how most all of us have learned how to love, (through parental examples, children’s fairy tales, and Hollywood movies) I realized how ill equipped we really are to ever succeed in a healthy love relationship.

I realized almost everyone needs to ‘relearn love.’

Now after years of work I discovered a new way to love, created a breakthrough program that has helped thousands of people around the world to relearn love. You too can have incredible relationships without pretending, struggling, or worrying.

You can be loved unconditionally, exactly for who you are, and love can be easy
(and peaceful)!

You can have love…beautiful love, free of judgements and conditions where you can be your true self in harmony with your love.

Now I am in a deeply loving conscious, adaptive, and nourishing relationship. People are always asking me what they can do to get that same kind of love for themselves.

From all my years of work, I have created a breakthrough method for you:


During our weekly sessions together, you will

• Fall in love even more deeply with your own soul
• Learn what your emotions have been trying to tell you
• Get more in touch with your body
• Learn how to identify what you desire most and  ask for it
• Set healthy boundaries
• Learn effective communication skills, including how to navigate conflict
• Nourish your soul and find more ways to feel empowered than you ever imagined

With the Relearn Love singles private coaching program you will:

♥ Recognize & break unhealthy old patterns and create healthier ways of dating and relating

♥ Feel confident in who you are, what you want, and the love you are attracting and creating

♥ Know how to ask for and get what you want

♥ Be empowered to take (more) control of your life and your ability to be in the long term, loving relationship you desire

♥ Feel safe in being authentically YOU!

“Eri helped me completely transform my beliefs about relationships. I went from being alone to having connections in abundance in just 7 weeks! In every session with her I learned something that fundamentally changed my worldview for the better. Relationships were always the main source of anxiety and sadness for me, and the greatest gift I could have been given was to heal that aspect of my life. I'm forever grateful for her help in bringing me more peace and joy and love than I have ever felt before."

– Aaron, CEO living in Bali

"Eri helped me completely transform my beliefs about relationships. I went from being alone to having connections in abundance in just 6 weeks! In every session with her I learned something that fundamentally changed my worldview for the better. Relationships were always the main source of anxiety and sadness for me, and the greatest gift I could have been given was to heal that aspect of my life. I’m forever grateful for her help in bringing me more peace and joy and love than I have ever felt before"


“My work with Eri still resonates in my life two years after we concluded our coaching engagement. In her coaching, she pushed me to pay attention to the details of my everyday life and to articulate why they are important to me. She has a gift for finding adventure and significance in the mundane and helped me honor those small keys to happiness in a way that I’m still thinking about years later. She helped me shift a habit of feeling stressed to one of celebration that has had a profound impact on how I manage stress and busy-ness. I can honestly say that my life is richer and calmer and, well, happier as a direct result of our coaching together.”

-Kathryn, MBA, Professional Certified Coach

A Little More About Eri

Eri Kardos is one of the most highly-referred relationship coaches globally working with clients across 6 continents ranging from top tech executives and Hollywood celebrities to ordinary people living extraordinary lives. She is known for her passion for helping powerful people create even more powerful relationships.

Eri is the author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship.

Eri is a former leadership development professional at She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the #1 international business school in the world.

Eri’s specialty is helping people elevate their relationships for deeper, more intimate and fulfilling connections. Eri’s seemingly magical methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict.

Eri provides private video and phone coaching sessions to clients around the world. In addition, she offers in-person facilitated retreats and fully guided intensives to help individuals and couples create the relationships and life they desire.

– Andrew
Los Angeles

– Ling

– Lordiss

“It’s my joy and honor to guide you along your journey.”

– Eri Kardos

Your Invitation:

I hereby personally invite you to join my Relearn Love™ program. This is a unique experience designed for every and can totally shift how you are attracting, co-creating, cultivating, and living the love you desire.

You deserve to be seen, heard, and loved…loved for your true self.

This powerful new program can get you the love you want and need.

Love is a gift you give and receive.

You are capable, worthy. deserving, and beautiful.

You are more than enough!

I’m here to guide you.
Here’s what your journey will entail….

  • 60-minute coaching session via Zoom each week
  • Self-Date Guides for deepening your relationship with yourself
  • Private Facebook Community
  • Videos and tools to enhance your experience
  • Resources Library

“Eri is more than a relationship coach – she’s an amazing guide, teacher, and friend. She changed my outlook on life and future intimate partnerships and I am so grateful for every minute spent with her.”

– Justin


But how do I know this will work for me?
A perfectly legitimate question! The fact is, if you are not ready for the change, and to make the commitment, then it might not work for you. However if you are truly ready, the success rate is very high.
How will we meet during this program?
All meetings are conducted virtually through Zoom and our private Facebook group.

“I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. I’m so very grateful for you and for what you’ve been in my life. I’m blown away that somebody I have never met in person, high-fived or hugged has had such a personal, intimate and profound impact on my life. I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for all of the things!!!!”

– Steven, CEO

Your journey begins when you schedule your FREE Relearn Love™ call with a member of my team, where they’ll make sure you’re a great fit for Relearn Love and walk you through the simple next steps to claim your spot.

The Relearn Love™ single’s private coaching program is enrolling new clients.

“I loved working with Eri. For me it meant taking the time to work on the weekly invitations and taking the time for guided practices. This offered me a safe space to discuss the challenges of everyday life as well as our weekly assignments. I feel I am richer by new experience and self awareness.”

– Tina

“I loved learning about topics outside my comfort zone and having the love/support not to feel uncomfortable or judged about anything. This was a beautiful experience, and I’ve learned so much.”

– Michelle

“This has definitely been transformational. The whole process of being curious, deciding to move forward with joining, and committing the time to complete the invitations. It has been a lesson in listening to myself and showing up for myself. And then the actual guidance offered has felt nourishing and insightful. I am on the path of self love, self discovery, and a commitment to leaning into the sticky spots.”

– Maddie
New York City

Giving Back Through RLL

Love has a ripple effect. It has a way of changing the way we interact with others, and how they in-turn interact with the world around them. Each time we have the courage to model love and gratitude, we are creating positive change and showing up as leaders with heart.

At Relearn Love, we walk our talk. 10% of every investment that private clients make for changing their own lives also transforms the lives of those in need around the world. How? When you become a client we sponsor a child in Bali so that they can receive the clothes, food, shelter, and development they need for a full year.

You can learn more about the Bali Street Mums Project by checking out their website

Why this organization? Eri knows Kim, the founder, personally and has seen the incredible impact it has on the women and children of the slums of Denpassar, Bali. Eri and her family have sponsored 7 children over the years and their family spends time with the staff and volunteers who are there day in and day out, healing old wounds and creating a safe environment to break the patterns of poverty and abuse.

Choosing to invest in your own love transformation will have a huge ripple effect on those around you (children, parents, community, and workplace) – beginning in Bali.

Why this organization?

Eri knows Kim, the founder, personally and has seen the incredible impact it has on the women and children of the slums of Denpassar, Bali. Eri and her family have sponsored 7 children over the years and their family spends time with the staff and volunteers who are there day in and day out, healing old wounds and creating a safe environment to break the patterns of poverty and abuse.

Choosing to invest in your own love transformation will have a huge ripple effect on those around you (children, parents, community, and workplace) – beginning in Bali.