60 minutes of breakthroughs and game-changing tools



What if the love & connection you’re longing for with your partner wasn’t so hard to get?

What if rather than struggling to understand each other, you both had a “user manual” on exactly how to please, love, and care for each other.

You’ve been together for long enough to know what doesn’t work when it comes to getting what you want in a relationship…

…but getting the love, attention, and connection you actually desire?

Yeah, that’s like winning concert tickets on the radio. You hope you’ll get lucky, but you’re not actually sure you’ll win. 

The good news is… the love, intimacy, and connection you want to feel in your relationship is possible. Once you train your partner. 

Yep, that might sound crazy, but the truth is, you already have trained them. And I’m willing to bet that you trained them rather poorly. 

In this masterclass, International Relationship Coach & best-selling author Eri Kardos will share the simple steps on How to Train Your Partner so that you BOTH win in your relationship.

Yeah, that’s like winning concert tickets on the radio. You hope you’ll get lucky, but you’re not actually sure you’ll win. 

The good news is… the love, intimacy, and connection you want to feel in your relationship is possible. Once you train your partner. 

Yep, that might sound crazy, but the truth is, you already have trained them. And I’m willing to bet that you trained them rather poorly. 

In this masterclass, International Relationship Coach & best-selling author Eri Kardos will share the simple steps on How to Train Your Partner so that you BOTH win in your relationship.

In this masterclass, you will learn:

♥ What you actually need to really understand your partner and have them understand you

♥ How to get clear on what you desire for a high-functioning and fun relationship

♥ How to create your “user manual” and how to “get a copy” of theirs so that you know exactly how to love each other

♥ Tools for how to train your partner properly with love, intention, and authenticity

Think about it: If you are going to start a new job or learn a new sport, the first thing you do is go through a training period, likely with someone who knows what they’re doing and can teach you how to be the most proficient in the shortest amount of time.

But when it comes to relationships, chances are you didn’t intentionally take the time to train each other well. If you are like most people, the usual “training phase” consists of trying to impress one another (which oftentimes means not sharing your full truth and vulnerability).

Which is why when you learn to train your partner, you open yourself up to lifelong love, fun, and excitement within your relationship – because you have the tools to train each other to create it!

60 minutes of breakthroughs and game-changing tools

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Hello, I am Eri Kardos and happy to meet you.

A few years ago, I did not feel the ‘true me’ deserved love. I was struggling every day trying to present a version of me that I thought would be deserving of love. Because people were loving my facade, I felt the love I did receive was not genuine. This was exhausting and led to internal conflict which continually spilled over into my relationship.

“Eri has a gift for instantly transmitting the high level of trust one can place in her as a facilitator – allowing the free flow of deep-seated feelings and the revelation of the truth of who you really are. Her work is powerful in aligning all the disparate parts that make up an individual or a relationship. Her insights into the human condition and psyche are profound…”

– John & Jessica

“This experience was beautiful, raw, and transformative. Thank you for being with us in the good, the bad, and the ugly and holding us accountable and loving on us at the same time. I am not the same person and neither is my partner. We have so far to go, but we have come so far! I can’t even imagine where we would be without this coaching experience with you, nor do I even want to. This was destiny and so IMPORTANT. Thank you so much, Eri!”

– Alexis

“My work with Eri still resonates in my life two years after we concluded our coaching engagement. In her coaching, she pushed me to pay attention to the details of my everyday life and to articulate why they are important to me. She has a gift for finding adventure and significance in the mundane and helped me honor those small keys to happiness in a way that I’m still thinking about years later. She helped me shift a habit of feeling stressed to one of celebration that has had a profound impact on how I manage stress and busy-ness. I can honestly say that my life is richer and calmer and, well, happier as a direct result of our coaching together.”

-Kathryn, MBA, Professional Certified Coach

A Little More About Eri

Eri Kardos is the founder and lead coach of Relearn Love, LLC. 

Eri’s specialty is helping leaders create more influence in the boardroom by experiencing deeper, more fun and fulfilling connections in the bedroom. Her science and somatic-based methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict so that your love life becomes your secret weapon to make more impact in your career, family, and community. She helps you learn new ways to communicate and connect so that you can create the partnership you dreamed of when your relationship began.

Eri is one of the most highly-recommended speakers at top global companies such as Amazon and Microsoft. She works with clients across 6 continents, ranging from top tech executives and Hollywood celebrities, to ordinary people living extraordinary lives. 

Eri is the author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship. 

Eri is a former leadership development professional at Amazon.com.She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the world’s #1 international business school. She is now regularly requested to speak at top Fortune 500 companies to help leaders increase their influence in the boardroom by fueling the connection in their relationships at home. 

Her transition from over half a decade in corporate leadership into creating Relearn Love began during her time at Amazon.com. With time and trust, the executives she supported began coming to her with more personal challenges. She noticed a pattern of loneliness – whether they were single and wanting to find love, or their marriages were falling apart. With consent, Eri began coaching them on how to improve their personal relationships. Over a short period of time, her leaders began coming to work and reporting greater focus, more clarity, drive, and energy, along with a renewed sense of purpose. They regained their ability to collapse time and be more efficient. These changes had a positive and profound ripple effect on their teams and the organization as a whole – with noticeable changes to the ROI of projects and reported increase in happiness within their teams.       

Eri is the mama of two incredible children and shares a powerful conscious relationship with her husband, Jaymin Patel. They have a chapter of their own love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love. Eri and her family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where she hosts private retreats for her clients from around the world.

“I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. I’m so very grateful for you and for what you’ve been in my life. I’m blown away that somebody I have never met in person, high-fived or hugged has had such a personal, intimate and profound impact on my life. I am very grateful to have you and for the impact you have had on my life, and our lives, and us as a couple. I see the evidence of your impact and I know we are now capable of handling anything that comes our way. I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for all of the things!!!!”

– Steven & Mee

“It’s my joy and honor to guide you along your journey.”

– Eri Kardos

“Eri is absolutely awesome. She has a way of connecting with people with such ease. Before I even knew it, I was discovering things about myself that I didn’t even know were holding me back for many years. I didn’t realize how much I was stopping myself from being my true self. My kids have seen a difference just in how my attitude has changed and that I am focusing on being happy. My husband has seen the change because I am more about being not just happy myself but together. My husband and I had an absolutely amazing date, which we haven’t been on one in over 2 years! Working with Eri has helped me feel empowered, curious, and alive again as a whole woman – not ‘just a mom or wife’”

Angela Zender Moyer

“I am so stoked to work with Eri because she opened up the doors for me to do my emotional work. I was able to hang in during the darkest moments when I felt I was ready to give up and able to show up for my work only because she found a way to guide me safely and with curiosity through the journeys I have with my partner and with myself. I never realized that such a depth of work was even possible. Thank you, Eri!!!”

– Vi & Rish
Attorney & Tech Founder, San Francisco

“I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. I’m so very grateful for you and for what you’ve been in my life. I’m blown away that somebody I have never met in person, high-fived or hugged has had such a personal, intimate and profound impact on my life. I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for all of the things!!!!”

– Steven, CEO

“I loved learning about topics outside my comfort zone and having the love/support not to feel uncomfortable or judged about anything. This was a beautiful experience, and I’ve learned so much.”

– Michelle

“Eri shared resources and experiences to help grow our relationship, a.k.a. “Sally”. She gave us tools and homework which help us truly hear each other and nourish our relationship. Eri brought a perspective of experience, joy, and curiosity to our work together that helped us connect in a beautiful way.”

– Crystal, MD
& Steph, MD

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